Hey again and welcome back salad tossers! Turns out that Nick can do a pretty mean Trump and Obama impression. We start things off in an interesting way by playing a game. Erick quizzes Nick on whether or not a certain subreddit exists. Nick does a pretty damn good job and would probably get an A if this was school. Nick derails the quiz at one point though and essentially plays a mental Rorschach with Erick. Please, tell us (in detail) about what Nick's mental Rorschach makes you think of.
We're all about learning here. Some things we learned this time around:
Gently chop up your lettuce, firmly grasp your pepper grinder, and prepare to just drip dressing all over your salad. Check it out, subscribe to our nonsense, and hit us up on Twitter, Instagram (@outoffocusshow) and Patreon.